

Dining Room Furniture, Dining Room Table, Solid Wood Table, Solid Wood Furniture, Goldstein Furniture

Goldstein Furniture Dining Room Table Set

Some of my fondest memories are at family meals and gatherings where everyone is sitting around a giant table and enjoying a great meal.  It’s funny how a piece of furniture can be a part of some many important family memories. This Goldstein’s solid wood dining room table caught my eye because it reminded me so much of the table that my family has in their dining room.

From the rustic wood finish, solid square legs, and leather cushioned chairs, this table set from Goldstein’s furniture holds all of the characteristics of the table from my favorite memories. Timeless furniture pieces that have such a rich design which could make any ordinary person look like they have a knack for interior design. More importantly its giant frame makes it perfect for all family events. See when it comes to my family, we tend to do it quite big. We’re one of those families that find a way to celebrate every little good thing that could possibly happen.

These events can range from someone getting married, which is literally a 2 month on going party, to someone losing their first tooth (and yes that has happened before). Now when word spreads about these celebrations, and word spreads quite fast, we travel in large groups and we travel fast.  Sounds like I’m talking about a giant herd moving across the savanna doesn’t it?

At any rate, that really puts the pressure on the host family to provide a buffet for the influx of people. That’s why when I found this lovely, rich dark brown dining table through the Goldstein’s furniture website that reminded me so much of memories from home I gained a sense of hope – – yes hope. Why you ask? Because I could have a crazy, loud, embarrassing family reunion dinner with everyone actually sitting together.

There will be no need to exile anyone to the dreaded kids table.